"As a dedicated security professional, your role extends beyond safeguarding premises and enforcing rules. It is essential to use practical communication skills as a crucial aspect of your job. It not only ensures safety but also fosters positive interactions with the community members you serve. 'ICP' provides the critical components of tactical communication that will elevate your skills and enhance your effectiveness!"

-Pete Eliadis, ICP Founder / President

(4) Tacts We Teach That Truly Change The Game!


  • Observation: Pay attention to body language and tone. A tense demeanor may indicate potential violence. I want you to please maintain an appropriate distance to ensure the safety of all parties.
  • Verbal Communication: Always ask permission before approaching someone. Explain the reason for your approach clearly. When moving away, provide context to show empathy and consideration.


  • Facial Expressions: Smile when appropriate. It conveys approachability and diffuses tension.
  • Body Language: Stand with open shoulders, maintaining eye contact. Slow, deliberate movements demonstrate confidence and professionalism.


  • Situational Awareness: Continuously assess your surroundings. You can adapt your communication tactics based on the context. What works in one environment may not be suitable elsewhere.
  • Active Listening: Understand the concerns of those you interact with. Listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and acknowledge their feelings.


  • Empathy: Show empathy by acknowledging emotions. Use phrases like, “I understand how you feel” or “I appreciate your perspective.”
  • Clarification: If someone seems hesitant or needs to be more cooperative, ask open-ended questions to gather more information. 

As security professionals, we should commit to improving our tactical communication skills.

Let’s continue practicing these critical techniques during our careers to ensure that every interaction has a positive impact. By doing so, we will contribute not only to safety but also to community trust.