Active Shooter / Active Threat Training

At ICP, we specialize in active shooter / active threat training, for companies large and small and ready your staff for today’s threats. Our team is comprised of experts in the law enforcement, government, military and health industries. Together, our staff has well over a century of combined years of experience in preparing our clients for active threat situations.Our goal is to provide effective solutions to boost security and safety, awareness and active threat knowledge at your organization. Utilizing the next generation of tools and training, we deliver training for a vast array of threat management and leadership programs to provide a unique, rewarding experience that diligently serves our clients’ needs.
“Our active shooter training courses are the most comprehensive in nation and are used by the United States Government!”
– Pete Eliadis., Founder/President of ICP
Active Shooter / Active Threat Training
Our goal at ICP is to provide effective, potentially life save solutions, designed to boost safety, awareness and active threat knowledge at your organization. Utilizing the next generation of tools, training and consulting, we deliver training for a vast array of threat management and leadership programs to provide a unique, rewarding experience that diligently serves our clients’ needs. For schools, educators carry a substantial responsibility educating and preparing the next generation. While their sole mission is to educate, in today’s world, we need to take steps for our children to not only feel safe, but to make them safe. Our threat mitigation training sessions are relevant for all school employees –from school leadership and teachers to facilities staff and beyond. We’ll tailor our training to your needs.
Courses Include
- Critical Infrastructure Assessment
- Target Hardening the Workplace
- Site Assessment
- Understanding & Applying Leadership
- Preparing for the Active Threat
- Active Threat Mitigation Curriculum
- Crisis Management & Prevention
- Corporate & Employee Screening
- Preparing First Responders for an Active Shooter
- Table Top Exercises
- Employee Termination Techniques & Strategy
Understanding / Identifying an Active Threat or Active Shooter
An active shooter or active threat, is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearm(s) and there is no apparent pattern or method to how they choose their victims. Active shooter situations evolve quickly and there is no way to anticipate their course. Typically, the immediate deployment of police is needed to stop the shooting and mitigate harm. Active shooter situations can be over within 10 to 15 minutes. For this reason, it is important that you are prepared to take the actions necessary to protect yourself.
Prepairing for & responding to an Active Shooter / Active Threat.
Active shooter incidents are often unpredictable and evolve quickly. In the midst of the chaos, anyone can play an integral role in mitigating the impacts of an active shooter incident. At ICP, we enhance preparedness using a holistic approach to provide products, tools, and resources to help you prepare for and respond to an active shooter incident. Our training courses provide a historical overview of Active Shooter situations, provides prepared response methods for immediate action, helps to develop partnerships with local law enforcement, provides development of a private sector response plan, and helps build community relationships to ensure inclusion in a response plan.
Why Choose ICP for your Active Shooter / Active Threat training?
We are well decorated military, law enforcement and health care professionals. We took an oath in our careers to protect America throughout our careers and are now providing those skills and tactics in the private sector! We are trusted and vetted by the United States Government as leaders in Active Threat Mitigation services and offer the highest level of training in the nation! Through our active threat mitigation training, we can help businesses of all sizes. We apply the skills and experience of active and retired law enforcement, intelligence and military professionals to improve preparedness for workplace threats. Our training dramatically improves employee response when threats arise and, our Active Treat and Workplace Violence Mitigation carefully instructs critical counter techniques to enhance employee safety and reduce liability.
ICP is a government and public agency consultant of choice. We deploy anywhere in the world, in 72 Hours!
We maintain an unmatched list of certifications and security clearances. We maintain General Services Administration (GSA) Certification, enabling us to compete for federal contracts. We also are an INFRAGARD Member. With a Dun & Bradstreet 97% satisfaction rating, we are recognized as a high-quality provider of consulting services.

We are leaders in educating organizations through next generation adult learning tools!
Our goal at Intelligence Consulting Partners is to provide effective solutions designed to boost safety, awareness, and knowledge in your organization. Our customized created holistic programs carefully instruct critical counter techniques to enhance safety and reduce liability. Our programs offer solutions to modern threats thru behavioral modifications and environmental safeguards.
Intelligence Consulting Partners.
Protecting America. One Community At A Time!
Contact ICP
(202) 930-2427
952 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620
Sicap Liberté, Villa 6902, Dakar, Senegal
We are leaders in educating organizations through next generation adult learning tools!
Our goal at Intelligence Consulting Partners is to provide effective solutions designed to boost safety, awareness, and knowledge in your organization. Our customized created holistic programs carefully instruct critical counter techniques to enhance safety and reduce liability. Our programs offer solutions to modern threats thru behavioral modifications and environmental safeguards.
(202) 930-2427
952 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620
Sicap Liberté, Villa 6902, Dakar, Senegal