Security Clearance

ICP is U.S. Government-Certified – With Full Security Clearance From The NSA, GSA, United Nations, Infragard and more!

ICP has General Services Administration (GSA) Certification, enabling us to compete for federal contracts. We also are an INFRAGARD Member. With a Dun & Bradstreet 97% satisfaction rating, we are recognized as a high-quality provider of consulting services. ICP maintains security clearance, and this has included being cleared to work with National Security Agency, United Nations. We also maintain Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC) clearance, which allows our staff access to our nation’s ports and airports.

Intelligence Consulting Partners Active Threat Certified By Dun & Bradstreet # Duns-198571577
Dun & Bradstreet

ICP maintains a D-U-N-S number and has a 97% D&B satisfaction rating. The D‑U‑N‑S Number is used as the starting point for any company’s Live Business Identity, the most comprehensive and continually updated view of any company in the Data Cloud. The D‑U‑N‑S Number is used around the world to identify and access information on businesses.

icp national security agence clearance
National Security Agency (NSA)

ICP has been cleared to work with NSA, which is responsible for global monitoring, collecting and processing of information and date for foreign and domestic and counterintelligence purposes. It’s also tasked with the protection of U.S. communication networks and information systems to accomplish mostly top-secret missions.

icp gsa security clearance
General Services Administration (GSA)

ICP is certified by GSA, an independent agency of the U.S. government, to provide services that help manage and support the basic functions of federal agencies.

icp united nations security clearance
United Nations (UN)

ICP has been cleared to work with the U.N., a world intergovernmental organization that exists to maintain international peace and security, as well as develop cooperation between nations.

icp infragard member association

ICP is a member of InfraGard, a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure.

icp asis international security management membership
ASIS International

ICP staff are certified by ASIS International, the world’s largest membership organization for security management professionals. It is recognized as the premier source for learning, board certification, networking, standards and research.

icp twic card identification
(TWIC) Transportation Worker Identification Card

ICP team members maintain TWIC, providing them with the ability to access sensitive transportation infrastructure such as ports and airports.

Sandia National Laboratories security training
Sandia National Laboratories

ICP has been cleared to work with Sandia Labs, a global leader for more than 70 years, Sandia has delivered essential science and technology to resolve the nation’s most challenging security issues.

ICP maintains top-tier security clearance from the U.S. government, as well as multiple certifications. With these clearances, credentials and resources, we have been able to work with hundreds of U.S. government and foreign agencies throughout the world.

In fact, we are among the only security companies that has protected U.S. embassies.

Many security providers claim to have government experience, but ICP stands out as the government and public agency consultant of choice. We maintain an unmatched list of certifications and security clearances.

Our Clients.

Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Active Shooter Training
Sandia National Laboratories security training


We are leaders in educating organizations through next generation adult learning tools!

Our goal at Intelligence Consulting Partners is to provide effective solutions designed to boost safety, awareness, and knowledge in your organization. Our customized created holistic programs carefully instruct critical counter techniques to enhance safety and reduce liability. Our programs offer solutions to modern threats thru behavioral modifications and environmental safeguards.

Intelligence Consulting Partners.
Protecting America. One Community At A Time!

Contact ICP


(202) 930-2427




952 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620


Sicap Liberté, Villa 6902, Dakar, Senegal


We are leaders in educating organizations through next generation adult learning tools!

Our goal at Intelligence Consulting Partners is to provide effective solutions designed to boost safety, awareness, and knowledge in your organization. Our customized created holistic programs carefully instruct critical counter techniques to enhance safety and reduce liability. Our programs offer solutions to modern threats thru behavioral modifications and environmental safeguards.



(202) 930-2427




952 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620


Sicap Liberté, Villa 6902, Dakar, Senegal