Real Estate Safety Training
We now offer socially distant in classroom training or training classes through online meeting platforms, such as zoom. Our real estate / realtor safety training courses are designed to train your entire staff in under 2 hours. This training course is designed to establish safety procedures for both potential clients and real estate agents across the state.
Train In Person or On-line!
We now offer socially distant in classroom training or training classes through online meeting platforms, such as zoom. Our real estate / realtor safety training courses are designed to train your entire staff in under 2 hours. This training course is designed to establish safety procedures for both potential clients and real estate agents across the state.
This program is designed to establish safety procedures for both potential clients and real estate agents across the state. As an organization it is imperative to recognize potential risks associated with the industry by becoming knowledgeable about those trends that impact the daily routine of our real estate market. Therefore, this program will assist in analyzing concepts that can reduce the risks to both the clients and agents. The program has been set forth to assist the real estate agent with those knowledgeable concepts, while addressing the best practices to ensure the safety of them and their clients.
As an organization, it is imperative to recognize potential risks associated with the industry by becoming knowledgeable about those trends that impact the daily routine of our real estate market. Therefore, this program will assist in analyzing concepts that can reduce the risks to both the clients and agents. The program has been set forth to assist the real estate agent with those knowledgeable concepts, while addressing the best practices to ensure the safety of them and their clients.
This Course Provides
Our training staff focuses on our clients’ most critical issues and provides common sense solutions to enhance their safety and limit litigation exposure.
- Your safety and security needs
- Why do we become victims
- How to prevent becoming a victim
- Increasing Situational Awareness
- Understanding Potential Risks
- Identifying Daily Distractions
- Defense Techniques
- Understanding Reaction Time
- Pre-planning A Showing
Why Choose ICP for your real estate agents and clients?
We are well decorated military, law enforcement and health care professionals. We took an oath in our careers to protect America throughout our careers and are now providing those skills and tactics in the private sector! We are trusted and vetted by the United States Government as leaders in Active Threat Mitigation services and offer the highest level of training in the nation! Through our active threat mitigation training, we can help businesses of all sizes.
We apply the skills and experience of active and retired law enforcement, intelligence and military professionals to improve preparedness for workplace threats. Our training dramatically improves employee response when threats arise and, our Active Treat and Workplace Violence Mitigation carefully instructs critical counter techniques to enhance employee safety and reduce liability.
ICP is a government and public agency consultant of choice. We deploy anywhere in the world, in 72 Hours!
We maintain an unmatched list of certifications and security clearances. We maintain General Services Administration (GSA) Certification, enabling us to compete for federal contracts. We also are an INFRAGARD Member. With a Dun & Bradstreet 97% satisfaction rating, we are recognized as a high-quality provider of consulting services.

We are leaders in educating organizations through next generation adult learning tools!
Our goal at Intelligence Consulting Partners is to provide effective solutions designed to boost safety, awareness, and knowledge in your organization. Our customized created holistic programs carefully instruct critical counter techniques to enhance safety and reduce liability. Our programs offer solutions to modern threats thru behavioral modifications and environmental safeguards.
Intelligence Consulting Partners.
Protecting America. One Community At A Time!
Contact ICP
(202) 930-2427
952 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620
Sicap Liberté, Villa 6902, Dakar, Senegal
We are leaders in educating organizations through next generation adult learning tools!
Our goal at Intelligence Consulting Partners is to provide effective solutions designed to boost safety, awareness, and knowledge in your organization. Our customized created holistic programs carefully instruct critical counter techniques to enhance safety and reduce liability. Our programs offer solutions to modern threats thru behavioral modifications and environmental safeguards.
(202) 930-2427
952 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620
Sicap Liberté, Villa 6902, Dakar, Senegal